Monday, June 06, 2005

anonymity of days...

A day - 24 hours... it just passes by and one is clueless where the day went... somedays, one enjoys the anonymity of days that seem to merge into one... a routine which is so similar, that unless one and the people around didnt wear different clothes, I atleast for one would not know the difference in the calender days... somedays, i enjoy the mindlessnes.. but always such a schedule is nuts... its make me want to shout and pull my hair out... ouch! ouch! well, ok, maybe not pull my own hair.... but perhaps my boss's will do ;-)

so, I have now found a good way to break the monotony and exercise the brain - this is by reading BLOGs... earlier i would read whoevers blog i would come across... but now i read mostly of people that i know... turns out it makes the reading more relevant nd interesting....

It is funny, how something u have been thinking off n u come across a similar topic touched upon by another... i came across annie's blog which spoke of among other things, corporate experience women in particular face.. n the truth is... lately i have come across some (?) segregation if not quite discrimantion @ work.... n the odd thing is ppl have all sorts of justification for their behaviour.....

what is bugging is when you are in the course of your work asking someone something.. and they take affront to it!!! for heaven's sake - this is work... not personal! bah!

In the morning i remember thinking when u r looking for something, the chances r high u will find it... but how does one explain a bad day? a stressful day? a bad experience??? or even better than expected experience? a fabulous day?


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